Dear valued customer, It is common practice here at GCA to constantly update our software and servers to stay concurrent with the most advanced technologies in order to assure you our best support. The main goal of our updates are to provide you with the most accurate and streamlined way to manage your packages/cargo, all in the most secure way…
Please take note that GCA’s warehouse will be closed for business on Wednesday, July 4th 2012, in observance of Independence Day. Incoming or outgoing shipments from our warehouse should be done after Wednesday. To avoid any delays in service, orders must be submitted to GCA by 12 pm on Tuesday, July 3rd, to ensure your shipment picks up timely. There…
Global Cargo Alliance, as an active member of the International Committee at the Doral Business Council (DBC), will like to cordially invite you to an important upcoming event where South Florida’s role in International Trade is the main topic to be discussed. A panel of experts* will make a through analysis of Miami’s leading trade partners, top imports & exports,…
We at GCA – Global Cargo Alliance are proud to announce our nomination by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce as one of the Top 100 Minority Businesses in Miami. We feel this is a huge compliment and a reflection of our unwavering professionalism and dedication to offering the best customer service possible. With over 18 years of experience, GCA…
FedEx Express package increased an average of 5.9% for U.S., U.S. export and U.S. import services. The rate increase was partially offset by adjusting the fuel price at which the fuel surcharge begins, reducing the fuel surcharge by 2 percentage points. FedEx Ground and FedEx Home Delivery® rates increased an average of 5.9%. The rate increase was partially offset by…
On behalf of everyone at Global Cargo Alliance, we wish all our visitors, customers, colleagues and vendors a very happy and successful 2012!
GCA Global Cargo Alliance, a leading freight forwarder in the logistics market established in 1994, is a customer-dedicated company that delivers premium service at very competitive prices.
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