Our warehousing services
- Services: Consolidation, Logistics, Warehousing and Distribution. Air, Ocean, Truck and Train, National and International freight services. Just minutes away from the Miami International Airport
- High Tech Security Systems in place, as well as the notable geographic barriers
Miami Warehouse – Address
6735 NW 36th Street, Unit 320
Miami, FL 33166
(1) 786 507 0462
Entrance on NW 67th Ave. between NW 25th st. and NW 36th st. As soon as you get on NW 32nd st. you go west and then you continue straight. You continue straight until you find a gate. After the gate you continue and you will pass under the NW 36th st. bridge, after the bridge you will find our building on your right hand.
Warehouse Hours: From 9:00AM till Noon and from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM – Monday through Friday – Eastern Time.